Monday, August 1, 2011

So many things... Too little time.

It has been ages since I update the blog.

And more so, I have lost touch with me, myself for many months and it is time to catch up.

The question is... how?

Life have been a roller coaster ride since January and it has not stop.

First, the puppy changed my routine. I wake up at 6 every morning so we can go for morning walk. This, in turn, changed the quality of my life. I get to see the sunrises (not quite), exercise, breakfast, read some book and check email. Sometimes, I get to vacuum the apartment and clear up the kitchen rack!

My routine has becoming much more stable and I get more things done.

I made 2 trips to India and fell in love. It was experiences I did not expect. It was such a sweet adventures.

I attended 2 beautiful weddings, got to know many beautiful friends and families. I can't thank them enough for making my experience a wonderful one.

But... having been in the rat race for too long. I did not slow down enough even I was given the chance to. I was too greedy to feast in every single things that my five senses could take, but, my pace was too fast I missed quite a few things, and I did not document enough of my experiences.

Though, I am not disappointed. It would only make my next journey longer, and to expect the unexpected.

But, when it comes to work, I am not that lucky.

No. Everything is going well. I have always been lucky, and recently I am beginning to appreciate friendship at work. Especially one particular person who have been there for me through thick and thin, and we fight like husband and wife.

Shamefully, only now I understand how important it is to have a relationship like this, just to balance everything up, and spice everything up.

Many years ago, big sister told me every senior will always complain about how impossible today's young people are.

I am reliving it now, and it is for the worst!

I have never ever shouted at anybody at work, everyday.

I have been barking so much that I feel like a failure.

I was controlling myself not to use foul languages, but this one managed to push me there.

"F" words are used in every steps explained; "WTF" on every repeating mistakes made; and "What the hell were you thinking?" is out every time I stomp my feet, and many 15 minutes break.

There was too many simply assume, lies and mistakes looping on the other side, sometimes, it was just plain STUPID.

You know? My 10 year old are smarter.

Today, I stomped out of the studio, punched the door hard enough to feel the pain because when I asked him why can't he gets something so simple right, "Tell me!" I said it on top of my voice.


I just need 15 minutes to calm down.

It was just another"flush the toilet after you pee" routine, how hard can it be?


Tell me... What is my problem?

I am so tired of barking.

1 comment:

  1. Well, its not a problem with you. You are doing the barking and the person being barked at is responding with clear dumb blonde qualities, maybe even dumber...dogs are smarter.

    You are only doing what needs to be done to complete your job and responsibilities. Since barking is required, you will continue to bark at this individual. This is very obvious by take it easy on yourself.

    Barking can be fun.. ask Charlie. ;)
